
If you feel you have a fever, or any other cold-like symptom...


Please contact a nearby/familiar medical facility to discuss your situation!

If you have a fever or cough...
If you feel you have a fever, or any other cold-like symptom, please contact a nearby/familiar medical facility to discuss your situation.

When coming to the medical facility

Please make sure to contact the facility BEFORE coming to the hospital. To curb the spread of infection, facility visitors with fever, etc. are treated at times and locations separate from the rest of the population.
If possible, please refrain from visiting more than one medical facility while sick.
When coming to the hospital, please make sure you wear a mask and follow proper coughing/sneezing etiquette.

Things to remember before coming to the medical facility

Once you notice you have a fever or other cold-like symptoms...

  1. Stop going to school/work, and do not leave your home
  2. Keep a written record of your temperature every day

If you have a chronic/underlying medical condition or if you are worried about an illness other than the coronavirus, please contact your family/personal doctor.

If you have any troubles securing a medical consultation

Matsudo Coronavirus Hotline

Tel: 0120-415-111
An auto-attendant will respond. Press “1” to be directed to “Symptoms, Diagnosis, Evaluations”.
Service hours: 8:30am to 5:00pm (weekdays only)

Chiba Fever Consultation Call Center

Tel: 03-6747-8414
Service hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
This call center can provide useful information for several situations: you have a fever and would like to find a nearby medical facility for an evaluation, you would like a consultation to learn more about the coronavirus, you would like to learn more about anti-coronavirus

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COVID-19 Updates 外国人向けの新型コロナウイルスに関する情報


文化スポーツ部 国際推進課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



外国人市民向けの資料 For Foreign Residents







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