COVID-19 Updates 外国人向けの新型コロナウイルスに関する情報
COVID-19 under the Infectious Diseases Control Law and related measures / 新型コロナ感染症について
Japan has downgraded the legal status of the novel coronavirus to "Class 5” on May 8, 2023, the same category as common infectious diseases such as seasonal influenza, to ease COVID-19 prevention rules.
- 1. If you have symptoms
- 2. Self-isolation and quarantine period
- 3. Close contact with family members, etc., who tested positive
- 4. Over-the-counter medicines
- 5. Vaccinations and its fees
- 6. Certificate of home medical treatment
- 7. Mask wearing
- 8. Long COVID (Post-COVID conditions)
1. If you have symptoms
As of May 8, 2023, it is no longer necessary to register as a COVID-19 patient. If you test positive voluntarily, please monitor your own health closely. If you have symptoms suspicious for COVID-19, such as fever, or if your symptoms worsen, please see your local healthcare provider.
If you have any questions regarding visiting the doctor, you can consult with the prefectural / municipal call centers.
[Chiba Prefecture] 092-687-6564 (available 24 hours a day, every day) ※Available in multiple languages
[Matsudo City] 047-704-0055 (weekdays 8:30 am - 5:00 pm) at Health Promotion Division
※Please see Matsudo City homepage for the information on what to do when you have suspected symptoms.
2. Self-isolation and quarantine period
The law no longer requires people to refrain from going out, and it is up to the individual to decide whether or not to self-isolate. However, it is recommended that people refrain from going out for 5 days from the day of the onset of the disease, and also until 24 hours have passed after the symptoms have subsided. Also, for 10 days after the onset of disease, take care not to spread it to others by wearing a mask and avoiding contact with high-risk individuals.
There are also no restrictions on using public transportation, but please avoid crowds and take precautions against infection before using public transportation. Regarding work and school, etc., please follow the rules and regulations of your workplace, school, or other organization to which you belong.
Handling of Suspension of Attendance at Matsudo Municipal Elementary and Junior High Schools (Announcement by the Matsudo City Board of Education on May 8)
- Students who are confirmed to be infected with the COVID-19 will be suspended until five days have passed since the onset of symptoms and one day has passed since the symptoms have subsided.
- It is recommended that the child wear a mask until 10 days after the onset of symptoms.
- Absences to prevent the spread of infection due to "cold symptoms" or "illness of a family member" are not required.
- If a child is determined to be at high risk for serious illness due to a family member living with the child or the child's own underlying medical condition, the child's absence will not be counted as absent as previously.
3. Close contact with family members, etc., who tested positive
In principle, there are no longer any restrictions on going out or any obligation to report as a person in close contact with a patient with COVID-19. If a family member living with you has tested positive for COVID-19 but you are asymptomatic, please stay at home and consider testing with an antigen test kit, etc. (Please see above chapter 2 for the guidelines for school-aged children who have been in close contact with a COVID-19 patient)
Be sure to take precautions against infection and monitor your own health status closely.
4. Over-the-counter medicines
It is okay to take over-the-counter antipyretics from drugstores. Please check the dosage and volume carefully before use.
(Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website on ‘How to choose an over-the-counter fever and pain reliever’)
However, please consult your family physician first in the following cases
- If you are taking other medications, pregnant, lactating, elderly, or recovering from an illness.
- If you have ever experienced allergic symptoms or asthma due to medication, etc.
- If you have severe symptoms such as severe pain or high fever, or if your medical condition has lasted for a long time.
5. Vaccinations and its fees
From October 2024, it will be administered as a routine immunization. For more information, please visit the immunization website.
6. Certificate of home medical treatment
When you tested positive, we no longer issue a Certificate of Medical Treatment because we will no longer ask you to be hospitalized or to refrain from going out. Regarding insurance claims, please check with your insurance company for documents that can be used as substitutes for the Certificate of Medical Treatment (medical statements, prescriptions containing COVID-19 medication, etc.) when submitting your claims.
7. Mask wearing
Since March 13, 2023, the wearing of masks has been left to the personal decision, respecting the individual's independent choice. Please make sure that you do not force a person to wear or not to wear a mask against his/her will. However, we ask for your cooperation in situations where wearing a mask as a measure to prevent infection is effective or when symptoms are present.
(Please see above chapter 2 for the guidelines on mask use for school-aged children infected with COVID-19)
8. Long COVID (Post-COVID conditions)
Some people continue to experience symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, and breathlessness for a period of time after they have finished treatment for COVID.
For the first two months after the onset of the disease, do not exert yourself or push someone to be exerted.
Try not to do anything that makes you feel tired.
If you are experiencing symptoms that are suspected to be a long-term effects from COVID, first see and consult your family doctor or the medical institution where you were diagnosed. The medical institution you visited will refer you to a specialist if necessary.
If you are not sure where to go for a medical consultation, please visit the Chiba Prefectural Government's detailed website.
Latest Information from the Government (Ministry of Health, Labour, and Health website) 厚生労働省ホームページの最新コロナ情報
COVID-19 Updates (Declaration, vaccines, situation report, etc.)
Other Links
(Cabinet Secretariat) COVID-19 Information and Resources
(Auto Translation) Information on COVID-19 from Matsudo City
(Past announcement) Declaration to Respect Human Rights concerning the COVID-19 Infection
(AMDA) Multilingual Consultation Service Regarding COVID19
(CLAIR) Multilingual Information about Novel Coronavirus Infection
■ Chiba Prefecture (Multilanguage) 092-687-6564
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
■ Matsudo City (Japanese) 047-704-0055
Monday-Friday 8:30 am-5:00 pm
Matsudo City Consultation Service for Non-Japanese
Matsudo City - Internationalization Promotion Division
1. 医療機関を受診する場合
- 令和5年5月8日以降、陽性者登録は必要ありませんので、自主的に検査して陽性だった場合は、ご自身での体調管理をお願いします。発熱などの新型コロナが疑われる症状があった場合には、お近くの医療機関で受診してください。陽性となって症状が悪化した場合も、受診した医療機関でご相談ください。
- 受診に関してわからないことがある場合は、千葉県・松戸市のコールセンターで相談できます。
- 092-687-6564 (毎日24時間受付)
- 047-704-0055 (平日8時30分から17時まで)
2. 外出制限・療養期間
- 令和5年5月8日以降、法に基づく外出自粛は求められなくなり、外出を控えるかどうかは個人の判断としてなりますが、発症日を0日目として5日間は外出を控えることに加えて、病状が軽快してから24時間経過するまでは、外出を控えることが推奨されます。また、発症後10日間が経過するまでは、マスクの着用や、ハイリスク者との接触を控えるなど、周りの方へうつさないよう配慮をしましょう。
- 公共交通機関の利用についても、基本的に制限はありませんが、混雑を避け感染対策を行ったうえで利用するようにしてください。
- 登校や出勤については、体調回復後、ご自身の所属先である職場や学校等の規定に従ってください。
- (1)新型コロナウイルス感染が確認された児童は「発症後5日間を経過し、かつ症状軽快後1日を経過するまで」を基準とする
- (2)発症から10日を経過するまでは、当該児童に対してマスクの着用を推奨する
- (3)以前のような「風邪症状がある場合」や「同居人の体調不良」等による感染拡大防止のための欠席は、出席停止としない
- (4)「同居家族や児童本人に基礎疾患等があることにより重症化リスクが高い」などの理由で、登校できない場合は引き続き欠席とはしない
3. 家族、接触者が陽性
- 令和5年5月8日以降、新型コロナ患者の濃厚接触者としての申告や行動制限は原則なくなります。同居のご家族が新型コロナにかかった場合には、無症状の場合は、ご自宅で様子を見るか、抗原検査キット等の検査をご検討いただき、感染対策を行った上でご自身の体調に注意してください。(市内小中学生の濃厚接触者については、上記の第二章をご参照ください。)
- なお、体調が悪化した場合は、かかりつけ医に受診してください。
4. 市販の薬
- 市販の解熱剤を服用しても問題ありません。用法・容量等をよく確認の上、ご使用ください。 市販の解熱鎮痛剤の選び方(厚生労働省ホームページ)
- なお、下記のような場合には、かかりつけ医にご相談ください。
- 他の薬を内服している場合や妊娠中、授乳中、高齢、病気療養中の場合。
- 薬などによりアレルギー症状やぜんそくを起こしたことがある場合。
- 激しい痛みや高熱など、症状が重い場合や病状が長くても続いている場合。
5. ワクチン接種とその費用
6. 療養証明書類
- 令和5年5月8日以降に陽性と診断された場合、入院勧告や外出自粛等を求めないため、療養に関する証明書の発行は行いません。保険請求については、各種保険請求に際し、自宅療養証明書の代替書類として利用できる書類(診療明細書、コロナ治療薬が記載された処方箋等)も示されておりますので、ご契約されている保険会社へご確認願います。
7. マスクの着用
- 令和5年3月13日以降、マスクの着用は個人の主体的な選択を尊重し、個人の判断に委ねられています。本人の意思に反して、マスクの着脱を強いることがないよう配慮をお願いします。
- ただし、感染防止対策としてのマスクの着用が効果的な場面等や症状がある場合等においては、マスクの着用にご協力をお願いします。(り患した市内小中学生のマスク着用については、上記の第二章をご参照ください。)
8. コロナ後遺症
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症療養終了後も、倦怠感や息切れ・息苦しさなどの症状が一定期間続く人がいます。発症から2か月は、絶対に無理をしない、させないことを意識しましょう。
- 体がだるくなることをしないようにしましょう。後遺症を疑う症状にお悩みの場合は、まずは、かかりつけ医もしくは診断を受けた医療機関に受診・相談しましょう。受診した医療機関より、必要に応じて専門医の紹介があります。
- かかりつけ医がない、または、かかりつけ医が後遺症の診療に対応していない場合は、千葉県ホームページから医療機関を探すことができます。
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Tel: 047-710-2725 FAX:047-711-6387