
A Message from the Mayor  市長メッセージ


Japan’s Declaration of a State of Emergency in response to the novel Coronavirus (April 7, 2020)

The national government designated Chiba Prefecture as one of the target regions of the "Declaration of a State of Emergency."

With the cooperation of Matsudo City residents , including by avoiding going out unless absolutely necessary (especially traveling to/from Tokyo) and avoiding the three “mitsu (密閉, 密集, 密接 - closed spaces with bad air circulation, closed spaces where large numbers of people gather, and closed spaces where conversations or other close interactions take place)”, we have yet to see an overshoot (explosive rise of virus cases) here in Matsudo. However, the other day eight people of the Yamato Transport Office were infected, bringing the total number of infected people in the city to 25. We are in a "very dangerous situation" where an overshoot could occur at any time in our city.

This situation is common to the northwestern part of Chiba Prefecture, and because this area is part of the Tokyo metropolitan area, Chiba Prefecture has been designated as one of the areas subject to the “Declaration of a State of Emergency.”

Although I know that this situation will cause great inconvenience in many ways to our citizens for a while to come, your awareness and action will prevent the “collapse” of the health care system, soften the severity of many people's illnesses, and save lives.

I appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Mayor of Matsudo City,
Kenji Hongoya

April 7, 2020


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