
Matsudo City Emergency Measures in Response to the “Declaration of a State of Emergency” 緊急事態宣言発令に伴う市の対応方針


Matsudo City Emergency Measures in Response to the “Declaration of a State of Emergency”

  • Based on the government's basic action policy and emergency measures taken by the governors of Chiba and Tokyo in accordance with the National Action Plan for Pandemic Influenza and New Infectious Diseases, the following measures have been implemented in Matsudo City to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.
  • Any updates to the emergency measures outlined by Chiba Prefecture and/or Tokyo will take effect immediately.
    ※The Tokyo Metropolitan Government's restriction on the use of facilities is scheduled t  o be determined on April 9th, and to be implemented on April 11th.

Matsudo City requests citizens and business operators for their cooperation

(1)Request for self-restraint before going outside

Aside from essential outings, please refrain from going out unnecessarily during either day or night.
※Examples of non-essential outings:
Visiting a place with three “Mitsu*” ―*Mippei, Misshu, Missetsu (Closed spaces with bad air circulation, closed spaces where large numbers of people gather, and closed spaces where conversations or other close interactions take place), participating in a gathering/party where people other than your family members get together, visits to nightclubs and hostess bars, etc.
※Going to work is not subject to the request for self-restraint before going outside, but one should try to promote initiatives to minimize interactions with people, such as working-from-home, staggered commuting, and commuting by bike, etc.
※Examples of essential outings:
Visiting a hospital or social welfare facility, etc., going shopping for the groceries/medications/daily sundries, walking/exercising for maintaining the health, going to work that can not be performed at home, etc.

(2)Request for cooperation from business operators on infection prevention measures

Take sufficient countermeasures against the three “Mitsu*”
Measures such as limiting/organizing visitors, prohibiting admission of visitors with symptoms such as fever, installing hand sanitizing equipment and disinfecting facilities, informing visitors to wear masks, etc.

(3)Request for cooperation before holding events

Refrain from holding events that may lead to the spread of infection.
Refrain from holding events if the three “Mitsu*” cannot be avoided.

Measures to be taken for the City’s Jurisdictional Operations

  1. In most cases, public facilities, both indoors and outdoors, will be closed until Wednesday, May 6.
  2. In most cases, events hosted by the City, regardless of size, will be cancelled or postponed until Wednesday, May 6.
  3. City-sponsored meetings or events should be advised to be canceled or postponed.
  4. Telework systems, etc. will be implemented for city employees.
  5. Municipal schools are to be closed until Wednesday, May 6.
  6. Public nursery schools, private daycare centers, small-scale daycare facilities, certified childcare centers, unlicensed daycare facilities, and after-school children's clubs will ask the enrolled children’s household to refrain from attending school.  ※The above facilities will continue to provide childcare for those who need to continue going to work.

Making the Above Measures Widely Recognized

  1. Utilize all communication tools and related organizations under the jurisdiction of each department to inform the public.


  • 新型インフルエンザ等対策特別措置法に基づく、政府の基本的対処方方針や千葉県知事・東京都知事が行う緊急事態措置の内容を踏まえ、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大のために、以下の対応を実施
  • 今後、千葉県・東京都の緊急事態措置の内容が変更され次第、直ちに追加対策を実施



「3つの密」のある施設への入場、同居家族以外の多人数での会食への参加、キャバレー、ナイトクラブ等の遊興施設 など
健康維持のための散歩・運動、在宅ではできない仕事 など






  1. 公共施設は屋内外の施設を問わず、原則、5月6日(水曜)まで閉鎖
  2. 市主催イベント等は規模に関わらず、原則、5月6日(水曜)まで中止又は延期
  3. 市が後援等をする集会・イベント等は、中止又は延期を要請
  4. 市職員の(仮称)テレワーク等を実施
  5. 市立学校は、5月6日(水曜)まで休校
  6. 公立保育所、民間保育園、小規模保育施設、認定こども園、認可外保育施設、放課後児童クラブは登園自粛を要請。


  1. 各部が所管しているあらゆる発信ツール、関係団体を活用して周知


文化スポーツ部 文化にぎわい創造課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル6階
電話番号:047-366-7327 FAX:047-711-6387



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