
「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey! March 2024


Playing Ping-Pong with MIEA’s “Ibunka Exchange Club”

On February 3rd, I once again participated in one of the Ibunka Exchange Club events, held by MIEA (Matsudo City International Exchange Association). This time, I had a great time getting some exercise by taking part in a ping-pong tournament with the group.

For the event the games were played fairly casually, and since everyone who participated were beginners, no matter who played against who it turned into a fun, evenly-matched game. When I played ping-pong in the past I played singles matches, but at this event I got to play doubles for the first time and it made me realize that ping-pong is also a sport that can require teamwork and communication. Trying your best to win is what makes competition fun for me, but I think sports are even more enjoyable when you also have a teammate and the need to support each other. This also allows for more interaction to occur between those taking part in the sport, which worked very well for an event with the purpose of international exchange, and I think it is great that there is a group in Matsudo that organizes events so that people from all over the world can get together to enjoy sports and other activities.

A great thing about ping-pong is that not only is it fun to play, but even for beginners I think it is a very exciting sport to watch. I became interested in watching ping-pong during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, and even though I had no previous experience watching it, I was on the edge of my seat when I watched Japan win its first ever ping-pong gold medal in the mixed doubles championship game. For those that are looking to get into watching a new sport for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, I definitely recommend ping-pong because the rules are simple and the fast movements that pro players are capable of are impressive to watch.

I think there will be more chances in the future to take part in an event and have a fun time playing a sport, so if you are between the age of 18 to 39 please consider joining the Ibunka Exchange Club for their next event! The details of the next event will be posted on MIEA’s Facebook page.






「国際交流員」 ’CIR'とは?


松戸市の「国際交流員」 Matsudo City's Coordinators for International Relations


文化スポーツ部 国際推進課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey!







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