
「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey! January 2025


Christmas in Matsudo!

Santa Claus makes an appearance at KITEMITE MATSUDO Plaza

As we entered December in Matsudo, the illuminations set up all around the city lit up the night, creating a Christmas mood that captured the hearts of Matsudo’s citizens, putting more Christmas spirit in their daily lives.

On December 21st (Sat.), a Christmas-themed monthly Matsudo product fair “EENE! MATSUDO” was set up at KITEMITE MATSUDO Plaza where vegetables, jam, Christmas ornaments and other goods well-suited for Christmas gifts were being sold. The Santa Claus that appeared at this event looked so much like the Santa Claus that we all imagine in our heads, so it may spoil the fun to reveal who it was, but it was actually CIR Michael Dowd from the Matsudo City International Exchange Association! Many children could be seen lining up to meet Michael as Santa Claus, who greeted each of them with phrases in English like “Merry Christmas!” and gave them sweets as a Christmas gift.

In recent times, the Christmas much of the world knows as a time of the year where people listen to Christmas songs and exchange gifts has now taken root as a culture in Japan as well, and while people may know that it is originally a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, there’s probably few who actually know where the word “Christmas” comes from. “Christmas” is a combination of the words “Christ’s Mass”, and the Japanese word for Christmas (Kurisumasu) is a loan word from English. “Mass” is a roughly 2000 year-old ceremony in Christianity where believers gather to worship and sing songs of praise, and this ceremony became known as “Mass” (Latin: missa) in the 6th century. The original meaning of the word Mass can roughly be translated as “to send” or “dismiss” and it carries the connotation of the followers being “sent out” into the world after Mass along with the blessings received from God, allowing them to do good deeds in their daily lives so that those blessings can reach others. In my home country, the United States, there are many people who go to Mass on Christmas day in celebration of the birth of Christ, however my first experience going to a Christmas Mass was in Matsudo on this past December 25th. People of many different nationalities gathered and we sang hymns in Japanese and in Latin, and it was a great to be able to feel an authentic Christmas spirit. Mass is celebrated in different ways depending on the country, and there are Christmas services other than Mass, so I recommend looking up how Christmas is celebrated all around the world!


KITEMITE MATSUDO前プラザ広場に登場したサンタ・クロース


12月21日(土曜)に「クリスマス」をテーマにした松戸観光物産展「いいね!まつど。」がKITEMITE MATSUDO前プラザ広場で開催され、そこでは野菜、ジャム、クリスマスツリーの飾り等クリスマスプレゼントとしてあげたくなるような商品が販売されていました。その場に登場したサンタ・クロースはあまりにも皆さんが思い描くサンタ・クロースによく似た格好でしたので、その正体をばらしてしまうと興ざめるのですが、実はサンタ・クロースになったのは松戸市国際交流協会のCIR(国際交流員)のマイケル・ダウドさんでした。サンタ・クロースになったマイケルさんに会いたくて、列に並んでいる子供たちが多く集まりました。サンタ・クロースは英語で「メリー・クリスマス」等の挨拶を言いながら、1人ずつ子供たちにお菓子を配っていました。


What is a 'CIR'? ’CIR'とは?



文化スポーツ部 国際推進課

千葉県松戸市小根本7番地の8 京葉ガスF松戸第2ビル5階
電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey!







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