
「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey! December 2024


Walking Alongside Other Cultures in Matsudo


On November 26th, the current state of intercultural cohesion in Matsudo and the necessary steps going forward to promote participation in a society of intercultural cohesion were discussed at “The 2nd Community Care Promotion Conference”, which was held in the Akira Citizens’ Center.

According to the “Guidelines for Promoting Intercultural Cohesion in Matsudo City Hall”, as of the 2023, the amount of foreign residents living in Matsudo grew to 18,839, which was an increase of around 160% compared to the number of foreign residents in the year 2014. At this conference, as the number of foreign residents continues to increase from last year as we head into 2025, staff from medical institutions and other organizations related to the accepting foreign residents in our community were split into groups to discuss the challenges that are faced while helping foreigners in their workplace.

To use a bit of an extreme example, considering that even if all Japanese people learned English, there would still be trouble communicating with foreigners who are not native to an English speaking country, so some group participants raised the point that there is a responsibility on the part of foreigners in Japan to make an effort to learn Japanese. However, it is not a matter of difficulties with language alone. Due to factors like religion, there are also cases where cultural barriers can form. Even within a single religion, depending on one’s country of origin or sect within the religion, the requests a religious individual makes to a medical institution can vary, so some participants concluded that in order to understand the perspectives of everyone individually, we cannot afford to have an attitude of indifference towards other cultures. According to the “Basic Survery on Foreign Residents in FY2022”, of the foreigners who responded saying they were dissatisfied with their life in Japan, 18.1% of them chose “There is discrimination against foreign nationals” as the reason for their dissatisfaction, which was the 3rd most chosen reason, and possibly an indication of the “indifference” towards foreign cultures. Of course to counter this indifference, it would be nice to simply have the curiosity to study other cultures, but having such a motivation can be hard for people who have never interacted with cultures other than their own, so it is crucial to figure out how those people can be inspired learn about other cultures. As someone who is from the United States which is known as a “melting pot” of people from different cultural backgrounds living together, I believe that there are reasons to be optimistic about Matsudo’s prospects in this point of time when it comes to more people having an interest in foreign cultures and overcoming this challenge.

Actually, if I were to make a comparison with the places I have previously lived in America, Matsudo is the city where I feel the most surrounded by a diversity of cultures. Having a presence of a lot of cultures should mean that there are many opportunities to bridge the gap between those cultures. In October, the Matsudo International Culture Festival was a great opportunity for exchange, and people from various countries operating food stalls can be seen at other events in Matsudo. There are also 31 International Cultural Ambassadors in Matsudo from 14 different countries who offer exchange and cultural experiences in Matsudo with the help of the Matsudo City International Exchange Association (MIEA). Events like cooking classes and tai chi classes are continuously being held, but organizations within Matsudo City are able to request other kinds of cultural introductions as well. Please check out the list of International Cultural Ambassadors to see what cultures they specialize in, so we can create more opportunities in Matsudo to engage with other cultures!







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松戸市の「国際交流員」 Matsudo City's Coordinators for International Relations


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電話番号:047-710-2725 FAX:047-363-2653



「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey!







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