「レッツゴー キャム!」Cam, Ikuzo! Come follow Camden’s journey! January 2024
Participating in the CIR Mid-Year Conference
It has been exactly 1 year since I became a Coordinator for International Relations (CIR) for Matsudo City, and in mid-December I participated in a conference with the other CIRs working in Japan for the purpose of allowing myself to make better use of my skills and international awareness for my work.
Myself (left) with Kagoshima CIRs Chris (middle) and Jun-yup (right)
CIRs are working in Japan by means of the JET Programme, whose mission is to increase internationalization on a local level within Japan. For the conference, CIRs gathered at the Japan Intercultural Academy of Municipalities in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture where I was able to meet up with CIRs from America, Mexico, Korea, and many other countries. It was the first time in a while that I have been somewhere with many Americans around, as I have not returned to the US since coming to Japan. I was able to relate with the other CIRs when it comes to my job activities until now, such as experiences we have had, worries, concerns, and everything else that comes with the job of being a CIR. As I conversed with the other CIRs, I was very surprised by their advanced Japanese ability and other talents, such as public speaking, as there were some who delivered speeches which gave advice on the process of planning new projects at work.
There were many CIRs who were involved with programs similar to the ones we have in Matsudo with our sister city, Whitehorse, Australia. But I was also able to meet CIRs with entirely different duties than the ones I have, such as CIRs who teach English weekly. Everyone has a different kind of job, but there is one thing that every CIR shares, and that is introducing things they like about their own country’s culture.
From this point on it is going to be important for me to be smart about the way that I communicate with the citizens of Matsudo, so I am going to make sure that I use some of the tips I learned in the “Public Relations Strategy” course I took during the conference. Promoting the international work I am doing is part of my job, and I also think that this field is going to be valuable for me going forward. A year from now I am excited to take part in the CIR Mid-Year Conference once again, allowing me to take courses in other fields that will also help me do a better job of showcasing what I like about American culture to those living in Matsudo. In the meantime, please look forward to what I have in store for the new year as a 2nd year CIR!
日本で国際化を推進するという目的がある「JET Programme」に参加しているCIRが日本全国から滋賀県大津市にあるJIAM全国市町村国際文化研修所に集まり、アメリカやメキシコ、韓国等の出身のCIRと交流することができました。私は日本に来てからまだアメリカに帰ってないので、久しぶりにアメリカ人が多い環境で、これまでの活動で得た経験や不安、悩み等を共有し、有意義な時間を過ごしました。他のCIRと話し、皆様の日本語能力や才能に驚き、CIRとして働く先輩たちが演説を行う時間もあったため、CIRの活動において取り組みたいことをどのような流れで進めるべきかという知識が増えました。
松戸市の「国際交流員」 Matsudo City's Coordinators for International Relations