Here comes Javi! December 2019 Issue
Here comes Javi! - "Don’t Be Scared! Try Some Foreign Spooktacular Culture!"
Last October I was invited to a Halloween party hosted by a Yahashira neighborhood association, and designed so local children and parents could learn how Halloween is celebrated in the West. I was tasked with setting up colorful decorations around the community center, dressing up in a scary costume and surprising everyone, and helping guide all the costumed children around the neighborhood as we went “trick-or-treating” for candy from neighbors. Everyone we passed on the streets mirrored their smiles as they watched our parade of little monsters. I felt overjoyed helping some of these children experience their first Halloween ever!
この写真は昼間に見て下さい!怖いからですよ! Make sure you look at this picture during the day! It’s scary!